Dive into VANA's consultation response to the Environmental Protection Act

Today, we have sent an official consultation response from VANA to the Ministry of the Environment's 180-page draft amendment to the Environmental Protection Act (extended producer responsibility for packaging and single-use plastic products, etc.), which has gone out for consultation in June.

News 30 August 2023

In the response to the consultation, which has been signed by CEO Marianne Roed Jakobsen and VANA's Board of Directors, we address the following issues that are important for companies' handling of producer responsibility for packaging:

  • approval of Producer Responsibility Organisations (PRO)
  • collateral
  • allocation and award period
  • supervision
  • fees and compensations
  • transitional period.

Extracts from the response to the consultation

VANA and our founders support the ambitions of circular economy and extended producer responsibility and look forward to fulfilling the commitments on behalf of our members.

However, it should be noted that the producer responsibility entails a heavy administrative and financial burden for the producers. Therefore, it is crucial both for the producers' ability to organise their business and for the PROs to establish, organise and develop the scheme itself that the implementing notices are drawn up as soon as possible. This is also to ensure that the expected positive environmental benefits are passed through.

In addition, we draw attention to the fact that PROs are crucial for the effectiveness of the system, and the incentive to join a PRO must therefore be ensured in the implementation of the rules.

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