Registration of single-use plastic products

Companies marketing single-use plastic products must register with the authorities by 17 December 2024. If you are a VANA member, you can do it all in the Member Portal (more information will follow).

What must to be registered in 2024?

Companies marketing single-use plastic products must be registered with the Dansk Producentansvar (DPA) for each of the product categories below by 17 December 2024.

  • food containers
  • wrapping bags and foils
  • beverage containers
  • beverage cups
  • lightweight plastic carrier bags
  • wet wipes
  • balloons
  • filters for tobacco products.

Read more in the executive order here.

Registration and reporting requires MitID Erhverv

Registration and reporting to the authorities is done through VANA's Member Portal and requires authorisation with MitID Erhverv for Danish companies.

Foreign companies and organisations must register and report directly with the authorities (DPA) with username and password.

Read more about MitID Erhverv here.

Covered companies

All companies which place single-use plastic products on the market will be responsible for financing the clean-up of litter from the single-use plastic products as well as the municipal and state collection of waste from the single-use plastic products in public collection systems.

The main rule is that the financing obligation falls on the company that first makes the single-use plastic products available on the Danish market. That company is called the producer and is either:

1) Danish companies which are established in Denmark and which professionally manufacture, package or import and market single-use plastic products in Denmark

2) Foreign companies that sell single-use plastic products and packaged plastic products directly to private households or to users other than private households professionally in Denmark via distance selling (by means of distance contracts).

Covered single-use plastic products

Find an overview of the individual categories for single-use plastic products here.

Reporting of quantities in 2025

Companies that place single-use plastic products on the market must report quantities placed on the market to Dansk Producentansvar (DPA) for the first time between 1 and 10 April 2025.

Thereafter, reporting must be done each quarter, between 1 and 10 April, July, October and January for quantities placed on the market in the previous period.

VANA members can report directly in the Member Portal. More information will follow.

VANA opfordrer til harmonisering og vejledning vedrørende engangsplastprodukter

Many companies will not only be covered by the producer responsibility on packaging, but also by the producer responsibility on certain single-use plastic products.

VANA's CEO, Marianne Roed Jakobsen, emphasises in a consultation response to the Ministry of the Environment that VANA supports the ambitions of the producer responsibility and looks forward to lifting it on behalf of our members - also for single-use plastic products. However, there is a need for comprehensive and uniform guidance from the authorities, because the legislation contains several different product categories, producer definitions, fee types and deadlines, which obstructs a smooth implementation which  achieves the desired environmental effects.

Read VANA's response here.

VANA newsletter

Sign up for our newsletter if you want to know more about the producer responsibility for packaging and what your company needs to be ready with before 2025? Then we will keep you updated when there is news about producer responsibility and the deadlines you have to meet.