Ongoing reporting

There are different requirements for reporting depending on the types of products in question. On the pages below, you can read about the requirements for reporting on packaging and single-use plastic products.

Make it easy: join VANA now

At VANA, we work to make it as easy as possible for our member companies to fulfil their producer responsibility obligations. Therefore, we also handle registration and reporting on behalf of our members through VANA's Member Portal.

Membership of VANA costs a start-up fee of DKK 4,000 (DKK 2,000 for companies below the triviality limit).

If you are not already a member, sign up now and we will take care of your statutory reporting and keep you updated on important information and deadlines related to upcoming requirements and obligations.

Read more about membership and register your company here.

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Sign up for VANA's newsletter and we wil keep you updated on the producer responsibility for packaging, important deadlines and everything that companies need to keep track of before the producer responsibility comes into force in October 2025!