International obligations
If your company puts packaging on the market in countries other than Denmark, you should be aware that the respective countries have their own national rules and legislation for the producer responsibility on packaging, which you must comply with.
The producer responsibility for packaging is an EU requirement. Therefore, you should be aware that you may be covered by and have producer responsibility in the respective countries where you put packaging on the market.
Read more about the legislation here.
Read more about the compliance requirements in the individual countries here.
The EU directive on packaging and packaging waste sets a broad overall framework for the member states, but it is up to the individual member states how to implement the legislation in practice. This means that there are national differences in producer responsibility legislation on packaging across Europe.
You can get help to manage the producer responsibility on packaging in other EU countries and internationally through PRO's in the respective countries in which you operate.
Find an overview of producer responsibility organisations (PRO) and specifik labelling rules in other countries here.
If you need help handling your international obligations, VANA has entered partnerships with a number of companies, who can help you handle your international compliance.
Read more about our partnerships here.
Harmonisation of EU legislation on the way
In order to meet some of the challenges companies face in practice, the EU directive on packaging and packaging waste is currently under revision. This is partly with a view to achieving more harmonised rules across borders in the EU.