Free riders can distort competition - what can be done?
Companies that are covered by the producer responsibility for packaging and/or single-use plastics without being registered with Dansk Producentansvar (DPA) are considered free-riders. It can distort competition if companies deliberately avoid the producer responsibility and fail to register with the DPA.
Free-riders are companies that gain an advantage at the expense of others without deserving, paying or earning it themselves. To take the freerider problem into account, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, as part of their supervision, has an anonymous whistleblower scheme at, where you can report violations of producer responsibility anonymously - find it here: Notify (Only in Danish).
Companies that deliberately evade the producer responsibility for packaging should be penalised with higher fines to make it unprofitable not to register.
Have you not made it yet?
Have you not yet registered your company or reported advance quantities for your company's packaging? You still have time to do so, and VANA's Member Service is always ready to help you. Read more here: Register your company here.