Deadline recyclable packaging

Companies that have made reusable packaging available for the first time must register with the authorities (DPA) by 1 February 2025. DPA (Dansk Producentansvar) opens for registration of reusable packaging on 1 January 2025. If you are a member of VANA, you can register and report your reusable packaging in the Member Portal from mid-January (information and guides will be sent directly when we open). You can also register directly with DPA and choose VANA through DPA, and we will be notified automatically.

News 17 December 2024

Reusable packaging is subject to reporting requirements the first time it is made available to undergo a number of trips or cycles by being refilled or reused for the same purpose.
Read more about what constitutes reusable packaging here.

In connection with the registration, the company's expected quantities made available for the current year (2025) must be reported. The report must be in kilos divided into 13 categories and divided into commercial and household packaging respectively. It must also be reported if you know whether the packaging is to be sorted as residual waste or hazardous waste.
Read more about registering reusable packaging here and in our FAQ.

Webinar: Recyclable packaging - what, how and when to register?

Learn more about: > the new rules and requirements from the Packaging Ordinance (Emballagebekendtgørelsen) based on what you as a company should focus on > reporting through the Member Portal > your questions of doubt

Reuseable packaging 16/01-25

Manage it all in VANA's Member Portal

If you are a member of VANA, you can do it all through the Member Portal from mid-January.

We will notify you directly by email about the new rules and requirements after the Packaging Order (Emballagebekendtgørelsen) has been issued and the Member Portal opens for registration in mid-January 2025.

Go to the Member Portal

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As a member of VANA, you become part of a strong community of companies taking responsibility for reducing their packaging waste and creating positive change for our world. VANA was founded by Denmark's four largest business organisations. We represent 80% of all Danish companies and cover all industries.


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Sign up for VANA's newsletter and we wil keep you updated on the producer responsibility for packaging, important deadlines and everything that companies need to keep track of before the producer responsibility comes into force in October 2025!