Deadline for choosing a PRO
Have you chosen PRO (Producer Responsibility Organisation)? If not, you need to hurry! From 2025, companies with producer responsibility for packaging will be required to be a member of a PRO - by 1 January for new registrants and 14 January for individual registrants in the producer register.
In the Packaging Order (emballagebekendtgørelsen) that will be issued before Christmas, companies are required to be enrolled in a collective scheme if they have producer responsibility for disposable packaging.
Check if you are covered here.
The collective scheme handles the obligations for collection, sorting, waste treatment, statutory reporting to authorities and payment to municipalities, private waste collectors etc. The individual company is still responsible for reporting the correct data and paying to the collective schemes as well as self-monitoring.
Read more about PROs here.
Join VANA and enjoy the benefits!
VANA's members are among the largest players in the market. This means economies of scale for all our members; because the more members we have and the larger the volumes of packaging we handle, the cheaper it is for everyone. So join the biggest, join VANA and be ready for your responsibility! We have room for everyone and our experts are ready to guide you from day one.
Bliv medlem nuAre you already registered with Dansk Producentansvar
Then you can opt in to VANA as PRO by logging in to DPA (Dansk Producentansvar). Find a guide here.
The deadline for enrolling in a PRO for individual registrants is 14 January 2025.
Companies that are not registered in the official register with the DPA are also referred to as free-riders. To address the challenges of free-riders, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency has, as part of their supervision, made it possible to report producer responsibility offences anonymously. Read more here.