Missed the deadline? You still need to register...

The first deadline for registration and reporting in connection with the producer responsibility for packaging has passed. It happened on Saturday night 31 August. But if you missed the deadline, remember that it is still mandatory to register your company and report expected packaging quantities for 2024. And we are still ready to help you in Member Services.

News 05 September 2024

Systems and phones were busy all last week leading up to the first deadline for registration on 31 August. And a lot of companies got on board with VANA - we reached 1,462 members before the deadline on Saturday night - making VANA the largest PRO (Producer responsibility organisation) in the packaging sector.

Did you not make it? - registration is still mandatory

If you did not manage to register your company and report your advance quantities before the deadline, please note that it is still mandatory to be registered in the authority register with Dansk Producentansvar (DPA).

Read more about registration and reporting in 2024 here

The deadline of 31 August is set based on when Dansk Producentansvar (DPA) needs data to be able to make their allocation to the PROs. Read more about PROs and allocation here.

How to move forward – do as the biggest players in the market

In the letter sent out to approximately 10,000 covered companies, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency has announced that it is expected to become a requirement to be a member of a PRO when the producer responsibility comes into force.

At VANA's Member Service, we are ready to help you move forward - and the more members and the larger amount of packaging quantities, the cheaper it will be for all members, as we better can achieve economies of scale through our strong community of companies.

See who is already a member of VANA here.

Read more about VANA's membership benefits here.

Go directly to registration here

VANA newsletter

Sign up for our newsletter if you want to know more about the producer responsibility for packaging and what your company needs to be ready with before 2025? Then we will keep you updated when there is news about producer responsibility and the deadlines you have to meet.