Join before the deadline on 31 August 2024

31 August 2024 is the deadline for the statutory registration of the company and reporting of expected packaging volumes under the producer responsibility for packaging.

News 07 August 2024

If you choose VANA A/S as your collective scheme – we will take care of the statutory registration and reporting in the national producer responsibility register at Dansk Producentansvar (DPA) on your behalf before the deadline. And when the producer responsibility comes into force in 2025, we will handle the financial, legal and practical responsibility for you - i.e. collecting, sorting and handling your packaging waste - in the most responsible and cost-effective way.

Learn more about producer responsibility, whether you are covered and what it means financially here.

Get your hands on all the benefits and sign up here.

VANA newsletter

Sign up for our newsletter if you want to know more about the producer responsibility for packaging and what your company needs to be ready with before 2025? Then we will keep you updated when there is news about producer responsibility and the deadlines you have to meet.