Deadline 31 August - extended opening hours this week

The deadline for company registration and reporting of expected volumes for 2024 is Saturday 31 August. We expect many additional phone calls and emails this week. Telephone opening hours have therefore been extended throughout the week, so we can get everyone on board!

News 26 August 2024

We still recommend that you report as soon as possible, and you must have reported your quantities in VANA's Member Portal by 12 noon on Saturday 31 August, if we are to register them with the DPA before the deadline!

Opening hours in week 35

Monday 26 August: 8.30 am-4.30 pm
Tuesday 27 August: 8.30 am-4.30 pm
Wednesday 28 August: 8.30 am-4.30 pm
Thursday 29 August: 8.30 am-4.30 pm
Friday 30 August: 8.30 am-4.30 pm
Saturday 31 August: 10 am-12 pm

REMEMBER to sign the contract with VANA.

We cannot register your company and quantities to DPA until we have received a signed contract. If you are unsure whether your contract has been signed, or if you have not received it yet, please contact Member Services on tel. +45 5353 3244.

VANA newsletter

Sign up for our newsletter if you want to know more about the producer responsibility for packaging and what your company needs to be ready with before 2025? Then we will keep you updated when there is news about producer responsibility and the deadlines you have to meet.