Producer responsibility for packaging postponed

The Ministry of the Environment has postponed the implementation of the producer responsibility on packaging in Denmark from 1 January 2025 to 1 July 2025. This means that the approx. 41,000 companies covered will not have to pay for the treatment of their packaging waste until 1 July 2025.

News 05 October 2023

CEO of VANA, Marianne Roed Jakobsen, says: "Concretely, this means that the payment obligation for the companies is pushed forward by six months. Practically, it means that they save approx. one billion kroner," and continues: "For us as a Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO), it means that we have a little more time to get all procedures in place. However, at the same time we are weighed down by the fact that we do not yet know the exact timetable and that we still need to get some key frameworks in place, such as the environmentally graduated contributions, the basic service level for which municipalities must be compensated, and the rules for how commercial waste will be compensated. Therefore, we continue our work into a partially unknown area."

Registration presumably postponed until March 2024

In relation to the registration with the Danish Producer Responsibility (Dansk Produceransvar) and the reporting of the expected quantities for 2024, this will presumably also be postponed from January 2024 to March 2024.

All VANA members received an e-mail with this information this afternoon (5 October 2023). Read more about registration and reporting here.

VANA's Chairman of the Board and Deputy Director of the Confederation of Danish Industry, Karin Klitgaard, says: "It is clear that it gives the individual company a little more time to get in place. Fortunately, many are already up and running – but the reality is also that when we are informing about the producer responsibility, there are still some who are yet not quite on top of the situation. The truth is that the vast majority of people who sell products on the Danish market are covered by this. At the same time, there are many things about the legislation that are still not in place. The postponement provides just six more months to fine-tune the things that could otherwise only be half-implemented or incomplete. On the other hand, you could also say that now we do not need any more delays, because it has been a really long time coming."

Marianne Roed Jakobsen, CEO of VANA, explains the reason for the postponement: "I have been told that the European Commission forwarded a letter to Denmark this summer. The letter contained information about not implementing new rules or legislation in the individual EU country that may conflict with something that is being negotiated at EU level. In this case, it is the negotiations on the new packaging regulation that conflicts with the implementation of the producer responsibility. Thus, it is the European Commission that has asked Denmark to postpone the implementation by six months.

Read the full article in WasteTech here (for subscribers). 

Do you have any questions?

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It is free and non-binding to be a member of VANA until 2024 - find information about registration and membership benefits here. 

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