New date: Registration with DPA opens April 2024

The Ministry of the Environment has now announced that registration with Danish Producer Responsibility (DPA) (Dansk Producentansvar) in connection with the producer responsibility on packaging will open on 1 April 2024.

News 16 October 2023

You must register your company and indicate the quantities of packaging you expect to put on the market in 2024 with DPA. Registration opens April 2024 and must be done by 31 August 2024.

Read more about registration and reporting obligations here.

As we have previously informed you, the actual implementation of the producer responsibility on packaging in Denmark has been postponed from 1 January 2025 until 1 July 2025.  

Read more about the postponement here.  

You can also find more information on DPA’s website here.


If you have questions about the new dates or about producer responsibility in general, you can find answers to most of them in our FAQ.

If you are a member of VANA and have specific questions about your situation, contact us at, or call our member service on tel. +45 5353 3244.

It is free and non-binding to be a member of VANA until 2024 - you can find information about registration and membership benefits here.

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Sign up for our newsletter if you want to know more about the producer responsibility for packaging and what your company needs to be ready with before 2025? Then we will keep you updated when there is news about producer responsibility and the deadlines you have to meet.