VANA's highlights for consultation on the packaging regulation

A new packaging regulation is currently being negotiated in the EU that will replace the packaging directive, which sets the framework for the producer responsibility for packaging across the EU borders. And VANA was present for the hearing in the European Affairs Committee at Christiansborg this week.

News 15 September 2023

And it will be excellent to get the packaging regulation in place, because then hopefully we can achieve better and more harmonised conditions in the packaging area for the thousands of Danish companies that have activities in several EU countries!

Read more about relevant legislation here. 

Therefore, we are also incredibly pleased that VANA was invited as a speaker to the public hearing for the European Affairs Committee at Christiansborg, so that we, as the leading Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) in the area, could give our input on what politicians should be aware of in the negotiations on the regulation.

Marianne Roed Jakobsen

VANA's presentation was of course based on the implementation of the producer responsibility in Denmark, and it was emphasised that we speak for all VANA's members and the thousands of companies we represent qua our founders. E.g. the duplication of the work it provides for companies that have to map packaging when the directive and the regulation are implemented and negotiated in parallel.

VANA's 5 key messages for the consultation on the packaging regulation:

  1. Uniform requirements for reporting data, including common data verification requirements, should be established.

  2. Common definition of who is a manufacturer – an unambiguous definition that ensures that one link in the value chain is responsible for paying the costs of packaging.

  3. Harmonisation of triviality limits across countries.

  4. Joint European action to prevent free riders, including in relation to e-commerce.

  5. The Nordic sorting pictograms should form the basis of a common European standard.

Read more about the hearing here, or listen to Marianne Roed Jakobsen elaborate on the points in the streaming on Folketinget's television channel here. 

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