in new packaging

Welcome to VANA's new website! You may recognise the content, even though we have moved most things around. But the packaging of the website itself is new and hopefully easier to navigate in – just as you will find that some new options and features have been added.

News 24 August 2023

Some of the things, you can look forward to are:

  • An English version of the entire site
  • Ability to search in the content
  • Better navigation via top menu, menu on the right side and 'visible path' at the top of your
    current page
  • News overview with current news, cases, and events about the producer responsibility - find latest news here
  • Section pages that contain vital information and guides you within selected topics - view example 
  • Closed pages with members-only login (marked with a padlock) - join VANA, - obtain access here

We hope you find what you are looking for - if not please, do not hesitate to contact us!

News from VANA - in your inbox!

Sign up for VANA's newsletter and we wil keep you updated on the producer responsibility for packaging, important deadlines and everything that companies need to keep track of before the producer responsibility comes into force in October 2025!