New guide with inspiration for design of plastic packaging now available

The plastics industry has just sent out a newly revised design guide for plastic packaging, to which VANA also has provided input. The design guide focuses on that we from the start think about how to use resources most responsibly.

News 11 September 2023

The newly revised edition of the design guide focuses on design for the reuse and recyclability of plastic packaging. That is, when a packaging one day becomes waste, the design choice supports that the secondary raw material is of such a high quality that it can be included in new production of e.g. new packaging. 

VANA participates in the interdisciplinary cooperation

At VANA, we are pleased that we also have contributed to the revision of the design guide from our perspective in relation to the upcoming producer responsibility for packaging and the focus it gives rise to for the thousands of companies that will be covered by this. 

"It is a great asset for us as a Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) that we work directly with the leading players in the entire packaging value chain. This means that VANA is constantly on top of the latest trends in the field and can pass on this knowledge for the benefit of our members in preparation for the producer responsibility."

Rikke Halkjær Kristensen
Consultant Circular Economy

New content focused on prevention

Among other things, the newly revised design guide has also been updated with a decision tree that follows the waste hierarchy's priority list of prevention, reuse and recycling. Thus, the guide also focuses on reflection for prevention, which is completely in line with today's "trend" of reducing our total generated waste volumes and the task we at VANA face having to solve together with the producers from 2025, concludes Rikke Halkjær Kristensen, Consultant Circular Economy at VANA.

Read more about the newly revised design guide, download or order it from Plastindustrien here.

Head of Environmental Policy in the Plastics Industry, Christina Busk, presents the first physical copy of the newly revised Plastics Guide to the Minister of the Environment, Magnus Heunicke, at the People's Meeting (Folkemødet) in June.

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