Join VANA - register your company here
With a membership of VANA, you are guaranteed that your company lives up to your producer responsibility on packaging and/or single-use plastic.
If you are already registered with DPA (Danish Producer Responsibilty), but have not chosen your producer responsibility organisation (PRO) as required by 14th January 2025, you can choose VANA as your PRO via DPA. Find a guide here (English after the Danish version).
A membership of VANA gives you access to knowledge, tools and guidance as well as access to our Member Portal where you can handle the required registration of your company and material categories and report your packaging amounts and -types.
Find guide to registration of company here.
Check out our membership benefits here.
VANA is a not-for-profit organisation
Our mission is to be the preferred PRO for the extended producer responsibility in Denmark by lifting its members' producer responsibility in an environmentally sound, administratively simple and cost-effective manner.
This means that you do not pay unnecessary costs, which makes it far more economical, efficient and unbureaucratic for your company to be a member of VANA than if everyone individually must manage their own packaging throughout the recycling process.
Learn more about VANA here.