FAQ - Single-use plastic products
The main rule is that producer responsibility falls to the company that first makes available the single-use plastic products (empty or filled) on the Danish market.
Read more here: Registration single-use plastic products | VANA
The registration opened on October 1st. The deadline for registration was December 17th, 2024, for businesses that make available single-use plastic products.
Read more here: Registration single-use plastic products | VANA
If you choose VANA as the producer responsibility organisation (PRO) to manage the producer responsibility for single-use plastic products, you can register your business and product categories directly through the Member Portal.
You can also register directly with the authorities (Danish Producer Responsibility).
No, it is not a requirement to be a member of a producer responsibility organisation (PRO) to manage the producer responsibility for single-use plastic products. One can register and report directly to the authorities (Danish Producer Responsibility).
It is possible to choose VANA to manage the producer responsibility for single-use plastic products, so VANA takes care of registration and reporting to the authorities on behalf of the members.
Choosing VANA to manage the producer responsibility for single-use plastic products costs an annual base fee for administration of 1000 DKK, which also gives you access to our knowledge, templates, and guides in the field as well as guidance from VANA's Member Service.
The first report must be made between April 1 and April 10, 2025.
Read more here: Registration single-use plastic products | VANA
The following must be reported within 8 product categories:
- food containers
- packets and wrappers made from flexible material
- beverage containers
- cups for beverages
- lightweight plastic carrier bags
- wet wipes
- balloons
- filters for tobacco products
Read more here: What are single-use plastic products? | VANA
Yes, it is. But the so-called statutory order on packaging is being discontinued and will become part of the producer responsibility for single-use plastic products.
Yes, there is no distinction. All companies that make single-use plastic products available on the market are covered.
Yes, a packaging can indeed be covered by both producer responsibility on packaging and producer responsibility on single-use plastic products. It is not necessarily the same company that holds both producer responsibilities.
DPA says about this:
The reason is that there is an exception to the main rule regarding producer responsibility on packaging, which states that it is the first company that makes available on the Danish market that holds the producer responsibility. Companies that are not micro-enterprises have producer responsibility if they have packaging designed/manufactured/packaged under their own name/brand. (A micro-enterprise is a company that employs fewer than ten people and has an annual turnover, understood as the amount earned during a specific period, or an annual balance, understood as an overview of the company's assets and liabilities, that does not exceed 15 million DKK.)
If company A from Denmark sells a single-use plastic product/packaged single-use plastic product, which is also packaging, to company B from Denmark (which is not a micro-enterprise) with company B’s name and logo on it, then company A will have producer responsibility for the single-use plastic part and company B will have producer responsibility for the packaging part.
For the clean-up responsibility itself, which is paid 4 times a year (3 times in 2025), fees and rates can be found on the Environmental Protection Agency's website here: Single-use plastic - Environmental Protection Agency. The first payment will be based on the reporting in April 2025, covering the period from January 1 to March 31.
Additionally, a registration fee must be paid to the Danish Producer Responsibility for single-use plastic products of 1000 DKK (500 DKK if the company is already registered with Danish Producer Responsibility), as well as an annual (though semi-annual in 2025) administration fee to DPA, depending on the quantity reported (fee sizes are not known yet).
What does it cost to use VANA as a producer responsibility organisation for single-use plastic products?
It is not a requirement to use a producer responsibility organisation to handle producer responsibility for single-use plastic products. If one chooses VANA to manage it, it costs an annual basic contribution for administration of 1000 DKK, which also gives you access to our knowledge, templates, and guides in the area, as well as support from VANA's Member Service.