At VANA A/S we are 14 employees, who are ready to help and guide you on your way!
If you have questions about the producer responsibility, it could be beneficial to check our FAQ, which we update regularly as legislation and frameworks for the producer responsibility fall into place.
You can also find information about membership of VANA here or join webinars with introduction and information to the producer responsibility.
If you have other questions, you can find VANA's contact information and opening hours here.
Board of directors
Marianne Roed Jakobsen
Adm. direktør / CEO mrj@vana.dk +45 50 94 41 43 -
Per Henriksen
Drifts- og udviklingsdirektør / COO ph@vana.dk +45 30 67 13 14 -
Thomas Jakob Lange
Finansdirektør/CFO tjl@vana.dk Tlf: +45 20 48 16 29
Member Service
Marit Vedelsdal
Medlemschef / Team Leader mv@vana.dk +45 53 77 64 42 -
Peter Reimer
Key Account Manager per@vana.dk +45 52 13 23 94 -
Joan Dalgaard
Konsulent /Consultant jd@vana.dk +45 53 53 32 44
Christina Yde Hammer
Kommunikationsansvarlig / Chief Communications Consultant cyh@vana.dk +45 26 22 87 47 -
Anita Mechlenburg
Sekretær / PA am@vana.dk +45 31 18 15 60 -
Philippa Wichmann Christensen
Chefjurist / General Counsel pwc@vana.dk +45 28 69 27 32 -
Ali Tarek
Jurist/Legal Counsel at@vana.dk +45 31 58 49 71
IT and Contract Management
Henrik Jacobsen
Afsætningschef / Contract Manager hj@vana.dk +45 31 18 26 15 -
Katrine Grønbæk Websdell
IT-projektleder / IT Project Manager kw@vana.dk +45 21 31 51 55
Martin Bergen
Økonomichef/Finance Manager mb@vana.dk +45 27 12 78 02 -
Katja Ehlig Damgaard
Controller kd@vana.dk +45 53 65 37 61